Rating: 9/10
This album has a very defined upbeat and rocky vibe. I love Julian Casablancas's muffled distorted voice. The way they play using only downstrokes gives a very unique feel. This album and The Strokes in general just always give me good happy vibes. It seems they don't sing about anything downer.
Best Tracks:
1. The Modern Age 2. Hard To Explain 3. Last Nite 4. Someday 5. Is This It

Rating: 10/10
I love this album. It's Nirvana's first, and least popular. But it is so underrated. Even early in Nirvana's career, Kurt Cobain had a defined vision. It's hard to explain what's so good about it, but I find it angry and liberating. Kind of like in a "dark humor" way. The chord melodies are simple and repetitive. I find all the songs catchy, fun, and badass. I really enjoy Nirvana's stuff from before they went pop, old demo recordings included.
Best Tracks:
1. School 2. Scoff 3. Swap Meet 4. Mr Moustache 5. Downer
Rating: 8/10
I was introduced to Mother Mother by my junior year crush while we were walking to her house. I listened to this album that day, and that's why this band reminds me of her and that specific walk we had at 5pm on a sunny day. That sentimental value makes me biased to like this album even more.
I really like their style of having female and male voices overlap, its really unique. Their bass guitar is very prominent which I like, and this album somehow manages gives dark and traumatic vibes despite being pretty upbeat and fast. Their guitar tone is super sick and razor sounding.
Best Tracks:
1. Body of Years 2. Burning Pile 3. Hayloft 4. Ghosting 5. Arms Tonite